Top Slip and Fall Lawyers At Your Service.

Slip and falls are fairly common, whether at a grocery store or a friend’s home. While the property owner is sometimes held responsible for the resulting injuries, this isn’t always the case. Our Slip and Fall Injuries page provides insight into what causes these accidents, in addition to tips on establishing fault, courtesy of The Helo Law Firm California slip and fall attorneys.

Am I Able To Sue People For Slipping and Falling?

Every one in four adults is injured in a slip and fall. Gravity is not a myth; people discover it painfully when they slip and fall. Falling and injuring themselves is one of the most common causes of emergency room visits. According to the CDC, 800,000 patients are hospitalized every year as a result of slip and fall accidents. Here are some alarming statistics about such accidents:

Slip and fall incidents are common, and statistics suggest that 70% of such accidents occur on flat surfaces in churches or places of worship. On average, restaurants experience 3-5 slip and falls annually, leading to a total of about $450 million being spent in claims every year. Victims of these accidents can suffer from anything ranging from minimal lacerations and bruises to life-threatening injuries like fractures, spinal cord damage, brain trauma, and even death. In some cases, the proprietor can be held responsible for the accident. The Helo Law Firm has a team of expert slip and fall lawyers who can help if you or someone close has been injured in this manner.

Slippage and falls are often caused by slippery or wet surfaces, uneven surfaces, ice, snow, debris-filled walkways and stairs/floors in disrepair. Poor lighting can also be to blame. These accidents may be prevented with the proper signage – i.e. a wet floor sign. If you or someone you care about has been hurt due to a mishap such as this on another person’s property then you have the right to seek legal action against the homeowner/occupant/renter. Consulting with a slip and fall lawyer is essential if you plan to pursue financial recompense for your injuries.

Do I Have To Pay Anything Up Front and Out Of Pocket?

You will never have to pay for our services out-of-pocket. All of our services are provided on a contingency basis, so if we are unable to win your case, we will charge nothing. In order to collect our fees, we must make sure the insurance will cover them. Therefore, we will strive to provide you with the best results possible.

Why Don’t You Just Go Through The Insurance Company?

One of the most widely-held misunderstandings is that insurance will typically look out for you. However, you are actually going after the defendant’s insurance, and they are tasked with trying to minimize your claim payout. Like every other organization, their main goal is to give you as little as possible. To compound this situation, they may use underhanded techniques such as recording conversations with you, or attempting to convince you your injuries are not genuine or not as severe. An experienced attorney, like us at [name], can help prevent these tactics from being used against you.

How Much Compensation Can You Receive?

If you experience any pain or strain in any body part, such as your back or neck, that is soft tissue damage. That is a very serious injury. Obviously, there are also higher degrees of injuries, such as broken bones, fractures, and trauma. If you are experiencing discomfort after a car accident, please let us know.

Why You Should Choose the Helo Law Firm?

We are a client-centric law firm. We put the client first and keep them at the forefront of our minds. The fact that we strive to satisfy our clients makes us a great choice. We are well versed in the shady insurance handbook, which means we can reach the best settlement/verdict for the client with our experienced lawyers. Both in counties and statewide courts, our numbers are record-setting.


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